
The university partners agreed to propose an exemplary Masters level programme in Virtual Space Design as a framework. The programme’s duration is 12 months (72 ECTS) and it is based on an overall 3 semester programme, where the first two semesters are occupied with parallel modules that can be characterised as falling on a continuum between practical project and theoretical components.

In terms of the constructivist paradigm the project pole represents the real world, stories, cases, issues, problems, challenges leading to well defined TASKS & PROJECTS, while the theory side represents information from the world of design research and computer science, psychology mathematics etc, and support (e.g. study skills).


The proposed overall organisation follows the 12 month 72 ECTS framework. The programme is structured in three semesters A, B and C. Teaching will take place in semesters A and B followed by a semester of independent studies leading to the thesis/report. Semester A and B comprises three modules each 1, 2 and 3 in semester A and modules 4, 5 and 6 in semester B. Modules 1 and 4 Theories of Space, Architecture and Urban Systems and module 2 and 5 Theories of Digital Space delivered as seminars and lectures are 6 ECTS modules. Modules 3 and 6 Design of Virtual Space & Virtual Space Design are project based modules with 12 ECTS each.