One part of the project is the evaluation of already existing and used pedagogical / didactical concepts of e-learning und blended learning in the field of didactics in education for architecture.
The development of 3-D courseware for architecture belongs to basic research. In this area there no references about pedagogical implications. VIPA will analyse the adaptability of existing e-learning concepts in the area of 3-d/Virtual Reality and following this the applicability within analogue education and training institutions. Within the life of the project the integration and exploitation of industrial know-how from the area of interactive 3-D authoring is planned... VIPA will start a definition of ICT based methods for the support and strengthening of architectural design skills in the areas mentioned. The implementation of these methods has a great pedagogical value. The integration of ICT as a tool for teaching makes ICT to an object of teaching as well.
The universities in the VIPA consortium have recognized that the use of ICT will provide a wide range of new possibilities, however they do not have sufficient know-how in the field (didactical models using ICT and technological skills).
The other partners have experience in this field with different focus areas (e-didactics, technical competence, etc.). With this partner structure and VIPA project objectives we see an ideal combination of competences and interests to create the preconditions for a sustainable development in the focus areas for:
With VIPA functionalities and activities for the sustainable use of ICT tools will be evaluated, developed and implemented in the following areas: